Code of Conduct and Company Guidelines of INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH

This Code of Conduct and its guidelines contain the essential values and basic convictions of INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH and its employees, which form the basis of our business activities.

We are guided by the applicable law and do not accept any violations of it. Each individual employee and the management contribute to ensuring sustainable business success through legally and ethically impeccable behaviour.

1. Human rights and working conditions

1.1 Human rights

You support the observance of internationally recognised human rights.

1.2 Child labour and forced labour

You reject any form of forced labour, compulsory labour or child labour. No employees are employed in your company who have not yet reached the minimum age for admission to employment or the age up to which school attendance is compulsory in the respective country. In this case, the higher age applies.

1.3 Discrimination, equal opportunities and ethical recruitment

Our company does not discriminate against or favour anyone on the basis of disability, age, ethnic origin, race, religion, skin colour, sexual identity, gender, marital status or other characteristics. Any form of discrimination is not tolerated in our company. Sexual harassment and insults as well as aggressive comments towards other people are not tolerated.

We maintain the same equality of opportunity both in the search for new employees and during the employment relationship. We do not deceive or cheat potential employees about the nature of the work. We never charge them recruitment fees and never steal their identity documents. At the beginning of the recruitment process, applicants receive a written employment contract in a language they understand, which clearly and honestly sets out their rights and obligations.

1.4 Management sustainability

Our managers respect the dignity and personality of all employees. In the event of conflicts, our managers act as mediators. All employees, especially managers, are aware that they represent the company to the outside world through their behaviour.

1.5 Working hours, remuneration and collective bargaining

INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH undertakes to comply with the applicable national laws and regulations regarding working hours, salary and other remuneration.

1.6 Freedom of association

INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH guarantees its employees the right to join together peacefully within the legal framework, without the threat of penalties or similar.

1.7 Right to further training

We support a learning culture in which new knowledge is constantly being imparted and would like to enable our employees to continue their training throughout their professional careers.

1.8 Land, forest and water rights and forced evictions

We are in favour of the responsible regulation of ownership, tenure and use of land, fisheries and forests in order to promote sustainable social and economic development that contributes to the eradication of poverty and food insecurity and to responsible investment.

We comply with all applicable legal requirements on land, forest and water rights and on forced evictions that are related to the "Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests" unanimously adopted by the United Nations Committee on World Food Security in May 2012.

1.9 Use of private or public security forces

We undertake to refrain from commissioning or using private or public security forces if there is a risk of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, injury to life or limb or impairment of the freedom of association and union due to a lack of instruction or control on the part of the company when deploying security forces.


2. Occupational health and safety

2.1 Occupational health and safety principles

INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH guarantees compliance with all applicable health and safety regulations. Our employees are seen as our greatest asset, which is why their health and safety is very important to us.

To this end, occupational safety and health protection are an integral part of all operational processes and are incorporated into technical, economic and social considerations from the outset. Accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses should be avoided. Where necessary and appropriate, employees are provided with suitable personal protective equipment.

Every employee is jointly responsible for occupational safety; occupational safety, health and environmental protection regulations must be strictly applied. We have drawn up operating instructions and safety data sheets for handling hazardous substances in accordance with legal requirements and have trained the relevant employees accordingly. Supervisors must fulfil their role model function.

2.2 Emergency preparedness, accident and incident management

Our preventive measures, which include work instructions and regulations for accident prevention, compliance with which is monitored by the manager, are intended to provide the most obvious protection. These are supported by various technical facilities, including safety equipment on the machines and systems as well as lighting, ventilation and heating systems. We also achieve this protection through regular emergency training as part of our annual occupational safety briefing, which is mandatory for all employees. In addition, all employees are regularly informed and trained on applicable health and safety standards and measures.

The company has appointed several first aiders and a safety officer to support and ensure the implementation of measures and special provisions.  

2.3 Workplace ergonomics

As a health-preserving measure, we emphasise ergonomically equipped workplaces. Our aims are to minimise stress at work and to prevent accidents at work and occupational illnesses. All workplaces are therefore set up in accordance with statutory and generally recognised safety and occupational health regulations.

2.4 Fire protection

INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH guarantees compliance with all applicable fire protection regulations. The systems are subject to regular inspections and behaviour in the event of fire is taken into account in annual safety briefings. Trained fire safety assistants are appointed to support our employees in case of questions.


3. Corporate ethics

3.1 Product safety

Our services and products do not endanger people or the environment and fulfil the agreed or legally prescribed standards regarding product safety.

3.2 Corruption and bribery

We prohibit all forms of corruption, embezzlement and misappropriation. It is prohibited to unlawfully influence others in business dealings by exchanging gifts or granting or offering other benefits.

3.3 Fair competition

INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH does not tolerate any actions, agreements or arrangements that restrict competition in any way.

3.4 Avoiding conflicts of interest

We encourage all employees to make their business decisions objectively and without benefit to themselves, their friends or their family. Our employees conduct themselves upright and fairly in their work environment, with courtesy and honesty, and avoid any conflict between personal and business interests. Things of value are never given or accepted in exchange for favourable business decisions.

3.5 Data protection

INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH is responsible for the data protection and security of all personal information that the company collects, stores, processes, transmits, shares or disposes of. The company complies with all applicable data protection and privacy laws.

Our employees never share personal information entrusted to them with individuals who do not have an obvious business need to know unless they have received prior authorisation from the legal department or the owner of the business process.

INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH has appointed a data protection officer who ensures compliance with data protection regulations.

3.6 Duty of confidentiality, company property

Company and business secrets and confidential information must be kept secret for the duration of the employment relationship and after its termination. Our employees are obliged to handle company property with care. Internal company equipment and materials are used exclusively for business purposes.

3.7 Whistleblowing / protection against retaliation

In order to create an awareness of the need to report misconduct, we create a culture that is free from fear of negative consequences for the individual. Employees are encouraged to seek advice and support without fear of punishment or reprisals. Reports of breaches of the Code of Conduct are treated in strict confidence. Action or retaliation against individuals who report suspected misconduct or violations is strictly prohibited. They will not be penalised or have to fear dismissal.

3.8 Protection of intellectual property and plagiarism

Intellectual property rights must be respected; technology and expertise must be transferred in such a way that intellectual property rights and customer information are protected. Confidential information and business documents must be suitably protected from access by third parties and non-involved employees.

INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH requires its suppliers to apply, implement and maintain effective methods and processes to identify and minimise the risk of introducing counterfeit parts and materials into our supply chain. If detected, suppliers are expected to implement effective procedures to quarantine the product and inform the recipients of counterfeit products.

3.9 Financial responsibility and disclosure of information

At INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH, the main business processes are properly documented and relevant financial information is recorded in order to faithfully reflect business operations with complete reports.

Employees who record or transmit accounting or financial data, calculate and transmit indicators or manage and disseminate other types of information as part of their work must ensure that these data, indicators and information are accurate, reliable and honest.

3.10 Trade sanctions and export controls

Governments and international organisations may impose temporary restrictions, such as embargoes or economic sanctions, on certain business transactions that apply to countries or individuals. INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH respects international regulations and does not engage in transactions or business with goods or technologies that are affected by restrictions.


4. Environmental protection

4.1 Use of resources

Due to the ecological impact of its business activities, INOTEC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH feels obliged to ask all employees to protect natural resources and minimise the impact on the environment. We are guided by the principle of sustainable management. We pay particular attention to the economical use of energy, recycled cardboard and water. The use of renewable resources is to be favoured where possible.

We have set ourselves the task of reducing paper waste from our offices and general waste volumes. Waste is separated within the company and disposed of responsibly.

We use environmentally friendly processes and components in the production and dispatch of our products. Our products are designed to be economical in their use of energy and natural resources. The products are suitable for reuse and safe disposal.

We promote the environmental awareness of our employees in order to jointly protect the environment in all areas of the company and to use raw materials and energy sparingly. We also support our employees' ideas for reducing environmental pollution.

4.2 Dealing with air emissions

We endeavour to minimise general emissions from operational processes (air and noise emissions) as far as possible and, if necessary, to take appropriate measures to further reduce them.                                                                           

4.3 Dealing with energy consumption/efficiency

Our company's energy consumption is monitored. With regard to CO2 reduction and energy efficiency, we have already converted a large part of the lighting within our products to LED technology. As noted above, we are always keen to find cost-effective solutions to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.



We expect our managers and employees to play an active role in implementing our principles and guidelines and to speak up if something is not in line with these principles and guidelines.