INOTEC? Who? What? Find out more about our company...
In this section we provide you with news about our company.
The job advertisements are only available in german!
Everyone has to start somewhere. Take a look at our corporate career and our innovative landmarks.
Do you have special requirements for emergency lighting?
We look forward to your challenge!
It's not easy to find through the laws and standards. We give you some help!
Quick calculation of cross-cable sections, ventilation or CLS costs.
More safety in case of fire and other dangerous situations.
It's time to walk on new paths
Find out about the emergency lighting (r)evolution CLS 24.
All about our patented technology.
Supply and monitoring problems in practice
Learn more about our downlights with translucent emitting surface.
Learn more about our JOKER magazine. Your reading source for emergency lighting.
New challenges facing planners, fitters and manufacturers
FUSION: Our system fuses innovative concepts and techniques into intelligent emergency lighting.
A short overview of several references. Have a look!
Some special projects, that show our capabilites.
Send us a message with our quick contact form!
Here you find the local agencies and partners that represent INOTEC in Europe and Middle East.
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SN 6201-03 FLD 230V 3000 K
SN 6201-03 LED 24V 3000 K
SN 6201-03 LED J/SV 3000 K